Articles (selection)


· “Weaving a rhizomatic pluriverse: Allin kawsay, the Crianza Mutua Networks and the Global Tapestry of Alternatives”. Globalizations. On-line first (with C. Tornel & M. Flores).

· “Pluriversal autonomies beyond development. Towards an intercultural, decolonial and ecological Buen Vivir as an alternative to the 2030 Development Agenda in Abya Yala/Latin America”. Latin American Perspectives. On-line first (with J. Cuestas-Caza).

· Decolonizing education in Latin America: critical, environmental and intercultural education as an indigenous pluriversal alternative”. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 44(8): 1394-1412. 2023 (with S. Corbetta & B. Baronnet).

· “Public water without (public) financial mediation? Remunicipalizing water in Valladolid, Spain”. Water International, 47(5): 733-750. 2022 (with H. March, N. Alonso & M. Satorras). IWRA Best Paper Award 2022.

· “The fantasmatic narrative of ‘sustainable development’. A political analysis of the 2030 Global Development Agenda.” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 40(1): 241-259. 2022 (with J. Telleria)

· “Urgencies and imperatives for revolutionary (environmental) transitions: from degrowth and postdevelopment towards the pluriverse?” Environmental Politics, 30(5): 865-871. 2021 (with J. Schöneberg)

· When land meets finance in Latin America: the intersections between financialization and land grabbing in Argentina and Brazil. Sustainability, 13(14), 8084. 2021 (with A. Cibils, A. Costantino, V. Fernandes & E. Fernández-Huerga)

·  “Philanthrocapitalism as a neoliberal (development agenda) artefact. Philanthropic discourse and hegemony in (financing for) international development”. Globalizations, 16(6): 857-875. 2019. (with J. Mediavilla).

· “Financialization, institutional reform and structural change in the Bolivian boom (2006-2014)”, Latin American Perspectives, 46(2): 47-64. 2019. (with A. Macias Vazquez).

· “Labor supply: towards the construction of an alternative conception from post-Keynesian and institutional economics”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 47(4): 576-599. 2017 (with E. Fernández-Huerga. & A. Salvador).

· “Perspectives on financialization and crisis in Europe”. Revista de Economía Mundial/Journal of World Economy, 46: 17-26. 2017. (with L. Horn and J. Toporowski).

· “International financialisation and the systemic approach to international financing for development”, Global Policy, 6(1): 24-33. 2015.

· “A re-interpretation of ‘traditional’ and ‘new’ economic methodologies from Dow’s Modes of Thought Theory” (original in Spanish). Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 21(1): 72-85. 2015. (with A. Pardo Fanjul & A. Salvador).

· “Innovative financing for development: a Deus ex Machina for funding post-2015 development agenda?” Revista de Economía Mundial/Journal of World Economy, 36: 49-70. 2014. (with A. Macias & E. Fernandez-Huerga).

· “The systemic approach to international financing for development and the need for a World Tax and Financial Organization”. European  Journal of  Development Research, 25(1): 60-77. 2013.

·   “European periphery crises, international financial markets, and democracy”. The American  Journal of Economics and  Sociology, 72(4): 826-850. 2013. (with E. Fernandez-Huerga & A. Salvador).

· “Could the Theory of Modes of Thought explain some of the differences between mainstream and keynesian/postkeynesian economics?” (original in Spanish). Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 4: 573-585. 2009.

· “International Finance and Development: opportunity or threat?” CEPAL Review, 96: 157-172. 2008.

· “Distorsions of the international financial system. A Currency Financial Transactions Tax as alternative” (original in Spanish), Revista de Economía Mundial/Journal of World Economy, 2: 9-39. 2000. (with J.M. Agüera).


Chapters (selection)

· Public banking for a public-financed post-pandemic transition: a proposal for a new public bank system in Spain”. In Mustafa Yagci (ed.) Central Banking in a Post-Pandemic World Challenges, Opportunities, and Dilemmas. London: Routledge. 2023. (with N. Alonso, E. Fernández Huerga & D. Trillo)

· Neither ‘philanthropy’ nor ‘development’: A tale of two buzzwords”. In Kathryne Mitchell & Polly Pallister-Wilkins (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Critical Philanthropy and Humanitarianism. 2023 (with J. Mediavilla)

· Financialization, institutional reform, and structural change in the Bolivian boom (2006–2019)”. In Steve Ellner (ed.) Latin American Extractivism. Dependency, Resource Nationalism, and Resistance in Broad Perspective. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2021 (with A. Macías)


Books & Edited Volumes (selection)


·  Guest Editor. Revista de Economía Mundial (REM)/Journal of World Economy (SSCI). Special Issue on “Financialization and crisis in the EU”. 2017. (with Jan Toporowski -SOAS, University of London, UK- and Laura Horn -Roskilde University, Denmark-).

·  Economía Política de la Estabilidad Cambiaria. Una Perspectiva desde la Teoría de los Bienes Públicos Globales. Madrid: Consejo Económico y Social de España. 2002. (The Political Economy of Exchange Rate Stability. A Global Public Goods Perspective).


Book Reviews (selection)


·  Commissioned Book Review of P. Fehling & H.-J. Burchardt, Taxation and Inequality in Latin America: New Perspectives on Political Economy and Tax Regimes. Political Studies Review. online first

·  Book review of L. Pradella and T. Marois (eds.) (2015) Polarizing Development: Alternatives to Neoliberalism and the Crisis; Pluto Press, in Political Studies Review, 14(3). 2016.

· Book review of S. Harman and D. Williams (eds.) (2013) Governing the World? Cases in Global Governance. Abingdon: Routledge, in Political Studies Review, 13(4). 2015.


Official Reports (selection)


· Alonso, J.A; Carrasco, J.; Garcia-Arias, J.; Garcimartín, C.; López Sabater, V.; Marín, A.; Mataix, C.; Muriel, V.; Olivié, I. and Pérez, A. (2015) Mobilizing the resources and the means of support to enforce the post-2015 development agenda. (original in Spanish). Report of the Academic Experts Committee to inform the Spanish position in the United Nations III International Conference in Financing for Development, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, July 2015. Secretaría General de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (SGCID), Spanish Foreign Office.













Main Publications

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